Follow These Steps: Step 1. Stand shoulder width apart with barbell across upper back. With both hands, firmly grasps the bar. Point your feet outward. This is your starting position. Step 2. Exhale as you lower your body into a squatting position. Make sure your knees do not extend pass your toes. Step 3. Inhale…

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Follow These Steps: Step 1. Stand shoulder width apart with arms down at sides. This is your starting position. Step 2. Exhale as you lower your body into a squatting position. Make sure your knees do not extend pass your toes. Step 3. Inhale as you return to your starting position. Step 4. Repeat steps…

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Follow These Steps: Step 1. Stand straight with both feet about shoulder-width apart. This will be your starting position. Step 2. Exhale as you slowly raise your heel as high as you can off the floor. Step 3. Inhale as you slowly return to the starting position. Pause, but do not stop. Step 4: Repeat…

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Follow These Steps: Step 1. While sitting on a leg press machine, position your legs on the press. Your legs should be about shoulder width apart. Make any adjustments needed for your height. If there is a safety bar, release it and extend your legs making sure not to lock your knees as this could…

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Follow These Steps: Step 1. Grab a barbell and hold it extended downwardly in front of you. Stand shoulder-width apart. Your palms should be facing your inner thighs. This will be your starting posi-tion. Step 2. Exhale as you raise your shoulders. Make sure to keep your arms fully extended with a slight bend of…

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Follow These Steps: Step 1. While standing in front of a cable machine, grab the bar using a slightly wider than shoulder-width grip. Your palms should be facing down. Give yourself enough room to pull the bar down in front of you. Lean forward slightly. Your arms should be fully extended making sure to have…

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Follow These Steps: Step 1. While sitting at a cable pully machine, place your feet on the foot pads in front of you. Your knees should be slightly bent. Grab the pulley with your left hand with your palms facing towards your torso. Keep a slight bend in your back. Keep your chest up. This…

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Follow These Steps: Step 1. With knees bent and your chest slightly parallel to the floor, lift the bar from the rack (or floor) and slowly bring it towards your chest. With the bar in both hands, extend your arms in front of you. This will be your starting position. Step 2. Exhale and pull…

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Follow These Steps: Step 1. Use an assisted pull-up machine by carefully putting both knees on the pad as you grab the overhead bar securely with both hands. Your palms should be facing away from your body. Use a slightly wider than shoulder-width grip. Carefully, lower your body until both arms are fully extended above…

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Follow These Steps: Step 1. Hold a dumbbell in each hand with palms facing your sides and with your elbows slightly bent. Bend at the waist and knees. Your torso should be just about parallel to the floor. Allow the dumbbells to hang slightly in front of you. Keep your elbows close to your sides.…

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