Posts by Get Fit It's Free
Jump Rope
Follow These Steps: Step 1. Hold the ends of a jump rope in both hands. The rope should be behind you. This will be your starting position. Step 2. Exhale as you lift both hands upward to guide the rope forward and around your entire body. Lift both feet simultaneously to allow the rope to…
Read MoreStanding Cable Crossover
Follow These Steps: Step 1. Position yourself between a dual cable machine with a high pully. Select your desire weights. Standing with one foot slightly ahead of the other for support, lean forward slightly. Slight bend of the elbows. Exhale and squeeze your pecs as you grasp both handles and bring them down to meet…
Read MoreSeated Machine Fly
Step 1. If necessary, adjust the seat to the seated fly machine so that your hands, arms and elbow are all aligned. Grasp both handles. Your chest should be slightly raised. This will be your starting position. Step 2. Exhale as you press both hands towards each other. Hold this for 1-2 seconds. Step 3.…
Read MoreTriceps Cable Machine Extension
Follow These Steps: Step 1. While sitting at a triceps cable extension machine, adjust the seat to your liking. Choose the appropriate weight. Position your upper arms on the pads and grab each handle. This is your starting position. Step 2. Exhale as you push the bar down towards the floor. Keep your upper arm…
Read MoreTriceps Assisted Dip Machine
Follow These Steps: Step 1. While sitting at a triceps dip machine, adjust the seat to your specification. Choose the appropriate weight. Grab each handle making sure to keep your elbows at your sides and not flared out (this could cause injuries). This will be your starting position. Step 2. Exhale as you slowly push…
Read MoreFlat Bench Dumbbell Triceps Extension
Follow These Steps: Step 1. Using a flat bench, lay down on your back with your feet flat on the floor. Grab a dumbbell for each hand. Your palms should be facing each other. This will be your starting position. Step 2. Inhale as you slowly lower the dumbbells towards your ears. Make sure to…
Read MoreBench Dips
Follow These Steps: Step 1. Stand in front of a flat bench with another flat bench in front of you. Both benches should be horizontal to you and leg-width apart from each other. Step 2. Sit on the bench behind you with your legs on top of the bench in front of you. Both of…
Read MoreIncline Dumbbell Curls
Follow These Steps: Step 1. While seated back on an incline bench, place a dumbbell in each hand with palms facing inward towards your thighs. Your feet should be flat on the floor. This is your starting position. Step 2. Keeping your elbows tucked at your sides, begin by slowly curling the dumbbell towards your…
Read MoreBarbell Concentration Curls
Follow These Steps: Step 1. While seated on a flat bench with feet flat on the floor and legs spread apart, hold a barbell in one hand (extended towards the floor). Your elbow should be rested against your inner thigh. Slightly lean forward. This is your starting position. Step 2. As you exhale, contract your…
Read MoreBarbell Preacher Curls
Follow These Steps: Step 1. While seated at a preacher curl bench with E-Z curl bar, grab the bar with palms fac-ing up. Step 2. With the E-Z bar in both hands, position the back of your forearms on the pad. Your arms should be shoulder width apart. This is your starting position. Step 3.…
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