Follow These Steps:
Step 1. Position yourself between a dual cable machine with a high pully. Select your desire weights. Standing with one foot slightly ahead of the other for support, lean forward slightly. Slight bend of the elbows. Exhale and squeeze your pecs as you grasp both handles and bring them down to meet each other. Hold this for 1-2 seconds. This will be your starting position.
Step 2. Inhale as you slowly return the cable to the starting position. Maintain your stance.
Step 3. Exhale and squeeze your pecs as you grasp both handles and bring them down to meet each other. Hold this for 1-2 seconds. Maintain your stance.
Step 4. Repeat step 2 and step 3 to complete your desired reps. Rest between sets.
Step 5. Repeat to complete your desired sets.
Primary Muscle: Chest