Dumbbell Triceps Extension

Follow These Steps:

Step 1. Grab a dumbbell and hold it with both hands. Your palms should be up and facing the upward. While standing shoulder-width apart, carefully lift the dumbbell over your head fully extending your arms up towards the ceiling. Carefully lower the weight slightly behind your head. Your elbows will be pointing forward. Keep your forearms at your head and your upper arms as still as possible allowing your forearms to do the work. This will be your start-ing position.

Step 2. Exhale as you fully extend both arms up towards the ceiling. Your forearms should be doing the work while your upper arms remain as still as possible.

Step 3. Inhale as you slowly return to the starting position. Make sure that your upper arms remain close to your body and as still as possible. Continue to do step 2 and step 3 to com-plete your required reps. Rest between sets.

Step 4: Repeat these steps to complete your sets.

TIP: You can also perform this exercise while sitting down on a bench. See ‘Seated Dumb-bell Triceps Extension.’
Primary Muscle: Triceps

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