Follow These Steps:
Step 1. Stand up straight with your arms down at your sides.
Step 2. Lower your body to the floor into a squatting position. Place your hands on the floor out-side of your legs.
Step 3. Press your hands into the floor as you simultaneously jump both feet backwards landing into a planking position.
Step 4. Press your hands into the floor as you simultaneously jump both feet towards your hands back into the squatting position.
Step 5: IMMEDIATELY…Jump EXPLODE into the air with both hands raised above the head. Repeat steps 1-5 to complete your desired reps.
Step 6: Rest between sets. Repeat this process to reach your desired sets.
Note: There is this love/hate relationship when it comes to burpees. Some people hate to do them, but the result is awesome. Burpees are a great way to get all muscle groups engaged while doing only one exercise. You are burning calories and getting in great condition at the same time. AWESOME!