Bench Dips

Follow These Steps:

Step 1. Stand in front of a flat bench with another flat bench in front of you. Both benches should be horizontal to you and leg-width apart from each other.

Step 2. Sit on the bench behind you with your legs on top of the bench in front of you. Both of your hands should be gripping the edge of the bench you are sitting on (palms down and arms fully extended). Keep arms close to your body. This is your starting position.

Step 3. Inhale as you slowly lower your body to approximately 90 degrees. Make sure to bend at the elbows as you engage your triceps. Keep your body close to the bench.

Step 4. Exhale as you slowly bring your body back to the starting position. Rest between sets.

Step 5: Repeat these steps to complete your sets.

Primary Muscle: Triceps

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